Creative and Colorful Children’s Books!
Children’s Books
The Adventures of Glitter Eye
A fun and inspiring story of a rain drop’s daring, sky diving adventure becomes a great lesson in nature as “Glitter Eye” the rain drop takes the great journey from the clouds to the ocean. This story awakens a child’s knowledge and love of nature and respect for the beauty and intricacies of water, while unlocking the mystery of nature’s great water cycle.
Glitter Eye Volume 1
The Sky Journey
Glitter Eye Volume II
The Ocean Journey
Glitter Eye Volume 111
The River Journey Home
Coloring Book
Children at Play around the World
Glitter Eye
Fun Science and Creativity Playbook
Interactive Creativity Playbooks
Creativity & Science for Children
Dr. Ushana’s interactive science and creativity playbooks are wonderful introductions into the beauty of nature and our world.
Inspiring Interactive Journals!
Let It Be Love
Discover Your Treasure Chest
Live Your Life
Discover Your Self
Interactive Journals
Journals to Empower You
Dr. Ushana’s interactive journals for self-empowerment, offer inspirational quotes and inspiring art with beautiful full color pages, based on Ushana’s original paintings.
Interactive Journals for Bird Lovers
author/artist Dr. Ushana
author/artist Dr. Ushana
Photographer Gordon Lass
Photographer Gordon Lass

Winner of the American Pen Women’s Award

Marquis Award
Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award

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